Specialist training at our partner schools and colleges

Specialist training and career development support

Calibre provides a range of specialist services to the Medical, Healthcare, Military, Security, Aviation and Aerospace industries, including the sourcing and training of appropriately-qualified and experienced candidates for specialist roles.

Calibre works closely with employer groups, candidates and specialist training centres in order to fill gaps in skills and knowledge by arranging and delivering high quality training through various partner organisations in the UK and elsewhere.

Training is normally delivered in the country and region requiring the trained staff, but it can be arranged at the sponsor’s / trainee’s location by special request.

Services provided can include, but are not limited to:

– provision of specialist English training.
– arrangement of specialist English tests and exams (industry-specific).
– candidate recruitment services, including assistance with selection and assessment.
– candidate identification and matchmaking with sponsors / employer groups.
– candidate support during and after training programmes.
– cultural and job-related onboarding / offboarding support.
– community connect support.

For further information on our services, or to request a costed proposal, please contact us as follows:

For information on our specialist training programmes:
David Jones: david@internationalcontacts.co.uk

For onboarding / offboarding and community connect support:
Alan Mercel-Sanca: alan@calibre.work

For recruitment enquries and liaison with employer groups:
Dr Raymond Davies: raymond@calibre.work


(C) Copyright: Calibre, 10th December, 2020.